...loyal...liar, big time...brutal...again brutal...love all kids, especially those with autistic disorder...love music, that mathematics of all the worlds...again loooooooove music...read, read and read even more...love to write...loooove to write poems&songs...tales...more tales...manicure nails, no, no, never...love to seek, seek big time...explore...love God...again love God, that greatest freak of all the times... odd fellow...love major guy in the underworld...love equinox...indeed love equinox...mmmmmmm, love blood, that knowledge thing...don't know how to love...love myself mostly and ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...love freaks...again love freaks...all freaks...hate to share bed with anyone but one...love one grandmother and her son...her son...her dead son...love men...mmmmmmmm, love men with attitude...love men with attitude again...love gracefully women...mmmmmm, muses...adore troubadour...love night...again love night...love light...hate order...hate paper money...love symbols...adore symbols...love frustration...love hard lesson...tatoo...mmmmmmmm, haaaaaard lesson...
Uuuuuuuuuuu jes ovo mocno
Da, bilo je Goste_5409. Zapravo, uvijek je uz jaku distorziju, dobru raju i bunt;-)
zasto si ljuta djevusko moja
‘Zasto su placne tvoje plave oci”
u ovoj groznoj polarnoj noci