Blissfull days are queuing up for us
Striding towards glory
Flying further and higher
It is I who tell you
All you know and that is:
You and me are one!
You and me are one!
You and me are one!
So much rage
So many tears
For all the days
Taken away from you and thrown for me to find
Now all's yours because you gave everything once
Let the wind play with the good thoughts
And say :
You and me are one!
We'll have to stop once and confused
Let our tears flow
Like so many times before
When we were downcast and alone
But we won't fall down
In a moment the sadness will
Turn into laughter
Turn into laughter
So much rage
So many tears
For all the days
Taken away from you and thrown for me to find
Now all's yours because you gave everything once
Let the wind play with the good thoughts
And say :
You and me are one!
Dobra vam ova. Ja ovo jos nisam cuo 🙂
Staraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 😉
(S prvog albuma…)
Meni se sviđa tekst. Nisam neki ljubitelj ove vrste muzike, ali tekst je za 10-ku. 🙂
ako vec nisi, probudi jednom poligrafa ovakoooo :DDDD
A ti prvo obezbijedi da tvoj bro ima mjesta u hitnoj pomoci 😉
Iskreno u pocetku nisam mogao da se “uhvatim” za ovu vrstu muzike, ali kad sam uzivo cuo onda sam promijenio misljenje 🙂
Ovaj njihov instrumental je vrh:
Raskoljnikova, pisao moj bivši suprug.
Hahaha, Avadon, njemu i lice nadneseno nad njegovo dok spava, te blag dodir po ruci zna biti neugodan način da se prene iz sna:-))))))))
Poligraf :-)))))))))))))))
Neću zaboraviti tu noć… Sjeti se Romija i Mari, hahahaha
Oči su ti sijaleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:-)))))
Instrumental je vjerovatno najbolje što smo komponovali. Pomaže i što nema glasa, hihihihi 😉